Thanks for choosing to be a member!
Please fill out the form and click Submit to become a member or renew your membership. Membership is $20/year for all members of your household (everyone living at the same address) and our membership year runs from September through May. You may use the Comment field to give us the names and email addresses of other members of your household, if they wish to be added to the mailing list and receive their own notices and invitations to join the forum. After you Submit the form, you will see a page with instructions for sending in your membership dues. All NEW members will receive a club patch. Additional patches may be purchased by members for $5. All members will be invited to join our members-only email forum on Questions or other information you want to share may be entered in the Comment filed. |
We will never distribute your information outside of MCMC.
If you ever wish to be removed from the mailing list, or have any questions about the club, please just email us.
If you ever wish to be removed from the mailing list, or have any questions about the club, please just email us.